Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Last Days

Incredible. I feel so completely drained, yet so completely drunk on euphoria. All this tinted with a bittersweet sadness makes for a very befuddled and precariously endangered Resa. ~ In this state, there's no telling what I'll say next, or decide to do. My head is spinning. ~ But enough of that. I believe the fate of the human race is much more interesting than any simple complications I could experience. ~
The rich and the poor. This eternal divide that has and will split the human race forever. ~ We all love power. There's no denying the rush of emotion that comes along with the realization that a decision is yours to make. ~ What to do with our resources? ~ What will win, our consciousness... or that inevitable human greed? ~
Everything is so temporary. Yet humans never change. Deep down, the same animalistic need for survival is still there. And it will never disappear. Instinct is the root of greed. ~
North Americans wish to ''help'' developing nations such as Africa. Or so we claim. But deep down, why do we feel the need to provide aid to those who are worse off than ourselves? Truly, it could not simply be our consciousness. ~ What, then? ~ The answer is evident, once pointed out. ~ We do it for personal reassurance. For a sense of righteousness that stems from the need for feeling great. ~ Essentially, we attempt to help others to satisfy our own desires. Every once in awhile, that nagging consciousness reminds us that we are evil. And so, to overcome the guilt, we aid others. Selflessness, we call it. Self-actualization is a better term for it. ~ Once again, I am swamped with a distaste for the human race. Me, a human myself. Oh, the irony. ~
Sinking into that sarcastic, dark mood again. Prolonged contact with forty-six other amazing individuals has installed in me a deep need for constant communication. Writing joyful, uplifting speeches right now is impossible. I apologize for raining on anyone's parade. Human fate is too broad a subject to be fully addressed in one post anyway. ~ Really, in three days, after a good long cry, I'll do better. Scout's honour, pinky promise. ~

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