
Name: Teresa ("Resa")
Location: Canada
Occupation: Medical student, occasional flâneur

Here is a picture of owls. Because I love owls.

Deviantart: TershDersh
Twitter: @TeresaYLi
Instagram: @tahreesahlee

What book is currently on my bedside table?
None - I carry around my books with me all the time. (:

Okay. What book are you currently carrying around?
I've been rereading Stardust by Neil Gaiman.

What TV shows are you currently following? 
Sherlock (BBC)
The Big Bang Theory (oh how far it has sunk.. but I keep up for old times' sake)
Grey's Anatomy
Occasional scenes from Game of Thrones (please, GRRM, publish the 6th one already!)
The odd House episode (still the best show I've had the pleasure of viewing)
Yes, I watch a lot of TV.

Can you communicate via American sign language? 
Nope, sorry.

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