Sunday, August 1, 2010


Human beings have been blessed with five senses. I wish to address each sense in the following five posts. ~
Hearing. ~ Our ears detect vibrations that are then sent as impulses to our brain. ~ Just one marvel among so many others in the human body. ~ Yet hearing is so very vital to our perceptions of the world. ~
As a musician and an appreciator of all types of music, I know sound is vital to me. Music can convey my deepest emotions yet leave space for thought, being personal enough to touch while remaining anonymous enough to keep a veil of individuality. ~
When we think back to memories, we are assaulted by noise. Snatches of conversation, music, and the hustle-bustle of everyday life. ~ The city especially is a nest of sound. There never is true silence. And that soothes some of us. ~
Our internal voices. Everyone thinks; after all, I think, therefore I am. The voice that each of us uses to think is what distinguishes us from one another. ~ That mental consciousness that so often guides us, advises us, reprimands us. ~ It is also the voice we use to read. Our special, one-of-a-kind system that never rests. Even in sleep, we dream, and that voice presides over all. Our comforting blanket, the one voice we will always trust. ~
Our minds register sounds and can often be led astray. Hearing touches a deep part within us that sight alone could never reach. ~ Why else would we have invented cell phones, portable radios and later on iPods, and keep on enhancing our sound systems? ~ Music and sound lend personality to the world, letting us enjoy the purest harmony and the most sorrowful cries. ~
And remember, hearing is always last to go. ~

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