Sunday, August 8, 2010


I've taken a break from blogging recently because I've been in another rut of writer's block. But perhaps the easiest to climb out is by clicking away on my trusty keyboard? ~
Our sense of touch. ~ The most tangible of all. We see, we naturally want to reach out and touch. ~ Touching an object with our own two hands means truly knowing this object, learning its texture, size, the feel of it in our hands, how it tickles our skin as we lightly brush our fingertips across its surface... ~
Why do babies have blankies? Why do people have precious objects, such as necklaces, which they keep on themselves at all times? ~ Simply because touch gives us a sense of concreteness that is otherwise unattainable. It reassures us, grounds us. ~
My friend mentioned an interesting point the other day when I asked her about her favourite sense. ~ Her simple yet direct reasoning made me smile: "Because with the sense of touch, you don't need eyes! Like blind people learning to read and such with just their fingers." ~ I concur. Touch saves us many a time when our eyes aren't useful. ~ How many times have you felt your way around your dark house at night, doing your best not to bang into furniture? Touch remains our ever-present guide, the sense that never disappoints, is never restricted by our surroundings. ~ Though our eyes offer one way of perception, our fingers can touch and learn in their own unique way. Truly, touching is so instinctive it's no wonder we've put so much value to feeling. Silk, velvet and lace are all easily soiled, yet ladies of old and young have still invested much money for these prized fabrics. All for the luxury of touch. ~
Man, touch is a hard sense to write about. I wonder why? ~

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